Portrættet dit virtuelle førstegangsindtryk

Om det er til professionelt eller privat brug, så kan dit profilbillede åbne eller lukke døre for dig. Utallige studier har igen og igen konkluderet vigtigheden af et ordentligt profilbillede. Et billede skal udstråle selvsikkerhed, imødekommenhed og professionalisme. Gør dit det?


Young woman sitting in a jungle gym looking down at camera
Young woman sitting in a jungle gym looking down at camera
Portrait of man in the thirties smiling in a nature scene
Portrait of man in the thirties smiling in a nature scene
Portrait of a woman sitting in a street environment
Portrait of a woman sitting in a street environment
Portrait of a young woman sitting on a jungle gym
Portrait of a young woman sitting on a jungle gym
Buffed man looking cool in a street scene
Buffed man looking cool in a street scene
Outdoor portrait of a elderly couple looking at each other and smiling
Outdoor portrait of a elderly couple looking at each other and smiling
Close up portrait of woman on a street in Copenhagen
Close up portrait of woman on a street in Copenhagen
Extreme close up of a 3 year old boy with blue eyes and blond hair
Extreme close up of a 3 year old boy with blue eyes and blond hair